
More agile, mobile, flexible – that and more is what you become with agile software engineering. We can help you with that.

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Do you have any change requests? With pleasure…

Is your business changing faster than your IT allows? Do your existing applications’ outdated IT architectures prevent you from adequately and quickly supporting new business opportunities? If so, you should rethink your IT architecture. But be careful. Not all new architecture trends are necessarily better than the old ones. And some architecture hype even turns out to be a dead end in the end.

Our service portfolio in the area of software engineering.

Is a standard ready-made solution not enough for your business and you would like to create an individual software solution? You would like to make your business processes mobile and need a customized app for this? Your applications are getting on in years and you would like to benefit from the advantages of migrating to the cloud? If these are questions that concern you, you should take a closer look at what we have to offer in the area of software development:

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Our agile services

Whether Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking or a healthy mix: working together, we select the right building blocks for you from our methods toolbox and adapt them to your needs. To define and pursue your goals, we provide you with support in the efficient use of OKRs.

We have in-depth knowledge in areas such as Domain Driven Design, Lean Startup, Lean and Agile Development, Liberating Structures and Management 3.0, which allows us to provide the best possible support for your agile product development – and make your company fit for the future.

Our experienced Scrum Masters, Product Owners and Agile Coaches enable your employees to work innovatively and develop an agile mindset. In doing so, they provide you with exactly the right methods and best practices for your individual context.

We will guide you in the development of an agile leadership culture and a modern understanding of leadership – and support you in implementing and further developing a value-oriented, agile corporate culture and learning organization.

If agile scaling is your challenge, our experienced consultants will find exactly the right framework for you – whether SAFe®, LeSS, Nexus or Scrum@Scale – we bring the practical experience that successful scaling requires. And if none of the frameworks fit your requirements, we will work with you to develop your own framework.

In regular or one-time trainings, we sharpen the understanding of roles, responsibilities and agile working rules in your organization.

Your benefits as an agile organization

Agile organizations focus on people: customers, employees and all other stakeholders. In an increasingly technological working world, agile values consequently also pay off in terms of the human success factor.

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  • Plan – DevOps helps, to support the business goal “fastest possible time to market” by accelerating delivery, for example. Plannability, reproducibility, automation and transparency are fostered.

  • Code – Pair programming practices and tools such as Version Control Systems (e.g. Git) facilitate team work, streamline development, foster team communication and improve software quality.

  • Build – Automated builds for time savings and quality assurance supported by using robust tools like Jenkins or CircleCI.

  • Test – Continuous innovation with automated testing and quality products complemented by test-driven development (TDD) methodologies

  • Release – We help you streamline and automate the release approval process for faster updates.

  • Deploy – Deployments should be fast, consistent and error-free. Our experts work with you to develop a product-tailored strategy to deliver your software smoothly.

  • Operate – Your customers demand high-performance applications – at all times! Ensure powerful performance and high reliability of your software in production.

  • Monitor – Our experience shows that the later you detect problems and incidents, the more expensive they are to resolve. Optimally adapted monitoring that is consistently implemented in the scenario helps to identify problems very early on.

  • Business – DevOps can do more than just build pipelines, automation and stable applications. The positive impact on your business can be very diverse.

  • Culture – 5 DevOps principles that effectively break down silos: Shared Responsibility, Collaborative Culture, Automation & Tooling, Continuous Feedback & Learning, and Removing Barriers.

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User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX)

Our Services for User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX)

We view interface and experience design as essential components of software engineering. In close collaboration with our Agile Coaches, we pursue a holistic approach that aims not only to create appealing user interfaces but also continuously optimizes the development process through design thinking methods. Additionally, we provide targeted support to our clients in various phases of the design and product development process:

  • Usability Testing: We test the effectiveness and user satisfaction of your product using various qualitative testing methods. You receive a comprehensive report that highlights problems regarding usability and user experience.
  • Expert Review: We evaluate your product in terms of established usability principles and industry standards. The result is a detailed report that identifies weaknesses in user-friendliness and navigation, and provides recommendations for targeted optimizations.
  • Prototyping as a Service: We turn your product ideas into tangible user experiences. Whether a simple click dummy or a Minimum Viable Product – our team delivers a prototype that authentically represents the functionality and user-friendliness of your planned product.
  • Design System Audit & Refactoring: We analyze and optimize your existing design system. You receive recommendations for actions that sustainably improve the quality and user-friendliness of your design system. If desired, we also implement these recommendations.
  • Design Studio Workshop: In this collaborative workshop, we bring all stakeholders together to sketch, discuss, and refine design ideas. This way, we quickly find the best solution together.
  • Assumptions Mapping Workshop: In this workshop, we identify and visualize the key assumptions and hypotheses that influence your project, together with you. This enables us to minimize uncertainties, better assess risks, and define priorities early on.
  • Contextual Inquiry: We observe and analyze your users’ behavior in the real context of use. Through direct observations and interviews, we gather insights into your users’ perspectives and expectations and present them in detail.
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Our Observability Services

In a complex world of application architecture, it is easy to lose track of the big picture. It is a challenge to select the appropriate technologies and components while guaranteeing their availability, performance and transparency. In addition, different platforms such as cloud, self-hosted (on-premise) or hybrid cloud complicate the situation. But with us, you can stay on top of things!

Thanks to our comprehensive expertise in various technologies and our many years of experience in APM, we are your leading partner in the following areas:

  • Application Performance Monitoring  
  • Open Source Application Performance Monitoring 
  • Open Source Business Process Monitoring  
  • Load Testing 

Your benefits from using Observability

Observability erleichtert die tägliche Arbeit der DevOps-Teams: Die Software Engineers erhalten schneller Feedback zu bestehenden Problemen, Fehlern oder Performance-Engpässen in den Applikationen, während die Administrator:innen proaktiv über Ressourcenengpässe informiert werden. Diese kombinierte Herangehensweise fördert die Zusammenarbeit innerhalb jedes DevOps-Teams und führt zu einer nachhaltigen Verbesserung.

  • Performance optimized applications
  • Strengthening your company’s image and reputation
  • Optimal user experience
  • Cost savings through efficient resource usage
  • Increased sustainability through efficient applications
  • Improved teamwork in modern DevOps teams
  • Swift error analysis and correction
  • Minimal downtime with low Mean Time to Detection (MTTD) and Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR)
  • Root cause analysis
  • Maximum availability
  • Effective security incident analysis
  • Integration of business-relevant data (KPIs) and application performance monitoring
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Application Architecture

Architecture that fits like a glove

Ever newer technologies, ever shorter innovation cycles. Don’t you sometimes get the feeling that your business is changing faster than your IT? Then you should rethink your IT architecture. But be careful! Not all new architectural trends are necessarily better than the old ones. The decisive factors are your requirements.

Regardless of whether it’s a question of planning an application landscape, designing the structure for an application in your own data center or using cloud computing: Our experts know which solution is best for you. Why? Because they advise each other and thus always have an overview.

Among other things, we provide practical advice on:

  • Twelve-Factor App principles
  • Microservice architectures
  • Event-driven architectures
  • Cloud-native architectures
  • Domain-driven design (DDD)
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Custom Software Development

We implement your customized software

We offer a wide range of services for your custom software development:

We implement your project agilely and with passion, because that is in our DNA. You determine the setup and we support you to the extent you need.

Working together, we develop your custom software from the initial idea to the concrete vision. Your requirements are defined and captured in an agile way in the form of epics and stories.

We gladly provide you with a complete team or support your employees in interdisciplinary teams, depending on your needs. Our flexible work schedule allows us to work on-site at your location for specific events. As a rule, we work remotely to you from our offices.


  • Agreeing on your requirements and defining further communication in the project.
  • Collaborative development of an optimal sprint length for you, setup of the project governance as well as milestones that must be achieved.
  • Team formation: Software Engineers, but also (proxy) Product Owners or consulting roles. All Software Engineering colleagues have a deep knowledge of the necessary tools and techniques and are Software Craftsmen through their passion.
  • Agile Nearshoring: With our Software Engineers in Granada (Spain) we can easily cover teams’ scaling needs.
  • We take care of infrastructural requirements in parallel. This includes, a CI/CD build pipeline including test automation, automated deployments and automatic provisioning of the environments, for example.
  • Thanks to these measures, we can transfer the software into production operation quickly and at a high level of quality.
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Application Modernization

Our application modernization services

Would you like to digitize your company, but don’t want to develop new software for it? Make your existing systems fit for the future with application modernization!

How we proceed:

  1. Mutual agreement on your ideas, visions, purpose and modernization goals.
  2. Creating an agile collaboration model so that you always transparently know which phase of the project we are in, which goals have already been achieved and what the next goals are.
  3. Building a team that meets your needs and moves your application modernization forward quickly.
  4. Existing system analysis and development of a migration plan with defined migration steps and milestones. To do this, we select the best combination for you from the available options for application modernization.
  5. Step-by-step deployment: You have an up-and-running application at all times. With each iteration, individual parts are already modernized and improved. With these prerequisites, we succeed in the uninterrupted operation of your software. By quickly going live, we can collect feedback together and incorporate this into the further migration steps.
  6. Alongside application modernization, we take care of the infrastructural requirements. For example, we set up an automated build pipeline including test automation and CI/CD strategies and take care of the automatic provisioning of the environments. At all times, we ensure smooth application functioning through DevOps and site reliability engineering methodologies.
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Site Reliability Engineering

Our services for Site Reliability Engineering

Our SRE services are multi-faceted, and the scope of an SRE assignment is always customized. In a first conversation, we jointly determine your goals and requirements.

We then use a checklist to find out how SRE can be most usefully applied in your context.

After we understand your business and the application at a technical level, we propose a collaboration model that will help you achieve your goals. This varies depending on the architecture and your specific needs.

If there has not yet been any collaboration on software development, we can create the infrastructure for you if needed. If the application has already been developed at Novatec, we can integrate SRE directly into the product team. Whatever the issue, our SRE team is available to make the necessary improvements to your product.

When your system goes live, we continually monitor the application’s scalability and provide solutions. SRE is constantly working to find new ways to improve existing systems and automate manual processes. We improve monitoring, logging and tracing to optimize product efficiency by adapting to possible future events. We persistently monitor application components in terms of their data security requirements and efficient resource usage.

In our SRE team, we always think two steps ahead. This enables us to work preventively instead of reactively. We develop a robust, scalable architecture that:

  • Minimizes risks
  • Ensures recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point objective (RPO) targets are met
  • Minimizes application downtime
  • Ensures data reliability.
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Our Procedure Model

We have been developing software using agile methods for many years. As a result, we achieve a significant risk reduction and at the same time create value for your business permanently and at an early stage. In our process model, we extend agile approaches, such as Scrum, with important aspects of software engineering. This combination is the key to developing software quickly and at the highest quality for you.

Our Cooperation Model

Reliability, long-term partnership on equal ground and cooperation based on trust at all times are the cornerstones of our project commitment. Agile software development is our passion – You decide the setup!

  • You have the requirements, but you lack development teams. We will gladly build your software and provide you with complete teams.
  • You have a lot planned and need more development power? Then we form collaborative teams that have the necessary competencies to fit your needs.
  • You need targeted reinforcement? We provide you with the right colleagues in your cross-functional team.

You see, everything is conceivable and everything is possible. And you decide whether we work on site with you or in our office.

But this is not the end of the collaboration model. Using Agile Nearshoring by our software engineers in Granada, Spain, we can easily meet your scaling needs. Unlike offshoring, the colleagues there are in the same time zone, have the same level of knowledge and are equally enthusiastic software developers

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In external trade publications, whitepapers, and the company’s own blog, our experts provide insightful insights into their thinking and work methods.

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We love finding solutions together and carrying out exciting projects. We look forward to providing you with targeted support for your needs. Just contact us! Contact now

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